Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Water under the bridge

Brightly colored illustration of my as a fantasy face
The Playground Version
lot of water has passed by since I decided to stop posting. I now live close to the ocean, on the Chesapeake Bay, in fact. Like living outside Washington D.C., I rarely visit the main draw for this area. The first time I walked on the Norfolk beach I thought I would never leave. I did a lot of traveling after that and then came back here. At my age, 73, it’s difficult to think about moving for a lot of reasons. I remind myself I am never satisfied and that the sirens of emergency vehicles don’t sound all day and/or all night. So, I stay where I am. 

Now that Mom is in a parallel universe, I feel a bit untethered. Technically, I’d like to feel totally untethered. While Mom was a rock, she was also a bit of a prison. 

I have no goal for this post. I’m checking my options and attempting to discover if there might be some value in returning to previous activities.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Going Home

This blog serves little purpose. In the beginning it was a lot of fun. I dumped all sorts of random stuff here and my life is better for it. I might be all dumped out. Time to go home.