Saturday, January 15, 2005

Why I Could Never Be Bridget Jones

  1. When Bridget gets her first email from Daniel Cleaver (Is skirt out sick?) she responds with a joke. My response: "Sorry. I'll wear a longer skirt tomorrow." (Hope he doesn't fire me.)

  2. After the ride down the elevator Daniel asks Bridge out to dinner. Her response: "Not tonight." My response: "Sure!"

  3. After Daniel makes his third attempt to ask Bridge to dinner (What about the day after tomorrow?) she responds "Let's wait and see, shall we?" My response: "Okay. I could go then."

  4. After sex Bridge waxes witty. My response: Snuggle close and say nothing for hours. (Boyfriend baffled.)

  5. reserve the right to add items later

One way I am Like Bridget Jones

As Daniel lays in the street with cuts and blood on his face, he proposes by saying, "If I can't make it with you, Bridge, I can't make it with anyone. We belong together." My response: just like Bridget's (That's not enough for me. I'm looking for something a little more extraordinary than that.). Go Bridge!

Men I Would Consider Dating Even Though I Know Very Little About Them and Their Famousness Might Be an Issue
Viggo Mortensen
Harrison Ford
Bernard Hill
Joe Inscoe (I have actually met Joe. He lives here in town. I spent a couple of hours talking with him over two years ago. He gave me three videos of his movies to watch—"Last Dance", "Nell", "Lassie." He never returned my calls when I wanted to give them back to him. Was that a bad move? Unlike the others, Joe's famousness would be a different sort of issue that I know he's very comfortable with. I met him on a "bad eyelids" day which I have less and less of now. Maybe that drove him away?)

The other issue (only one?) would be that I am not the sort of person that turns up on the arm of a star. I am not the right physical type.

Oh, well ...

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