Tuesday, May 17, 2005

In my small world I have been asked to provide an endorsement of a financial tool offered at my workplace. I was asked by having some words that would be attributed to me typed up by someone weeks after having a telephone conversation with them. Selective memory being what it is, I really don’t remember exactly what I said, but I doubt I said it exactly as the other person typed it. Instead of replying immediately (since no deadline was given), I typed up my version and then sent it to my boss figuring she ought to be the first one to know. Before I heard from her, I received the first draft of the proposed article with yet another version of what I could have said (but keeping the meaning).

I just cannot imagine how many versions of things famous people have said are floating around living a life of their own. I’ve known for some time now that editors have a way of making quotes sound better or fit the story better by editing them. However, I’ve never experienced this in such a personal way. I don’t like it. If you would like to quote me, then please do so exactly as I said it, especially in print.

Reality being what it is, I know if I queried someone I’ve spoken to and asked them what I said two weeks ago it probably wouldn’t match my memory. Close friends tend to remember it as I do. My ex-S.O. (in my first long-term relationship) took to writing things down and having me sign them so later he could go “Ah HAH!” when I didn’t remember exactly what he said—one of the many signs that the relationship wasn’t working.

Certainly everyone is entitled to their memories. I still don’t like it. I’m sure I’d be a raving lunatic if I was a public figure in the large world and everyone ran around misquoting me. How do those famous people stand it?

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