Monday, October 30, 2006

T minus less than 2 days

Ever since I signed up I've been in a panic. What had I done to myself? Could I really write 50,000 words in 30 days? Can I write at all? However, I resisted unsigning up. Then I looked at myself in the mirror yesterday afternoon and felt proud and happy that I'm writing a novel.

Attended the Richmond kick-off last night. 17 of the 28 who-said-they-would showed up. All sorts of individuals were there from high school students to retirees, from lost boys to confident matrons. Got a few pointers. Reading the book would definitely be worth it. If I crack up before the end I'll see about getting it as an audio book so I can listen to and from work.

One of the ice breakers we played was to tell two truths and a lie about yourself. What is it about me that makes me look like I don't have two Bachelor Degrees? Or that I don't look like a graphic designer? How is that supposed to look? Anyway, no one figured out my lie. I'm pretty good at that. I noticed the other successful liars were also middle-aged women.

Current Fads
Listening. Sting Songs from the Labyrinth; wind
Watching. The Lion in Winter (1968)
Activity. freaking
Gadget. Palm Zire
News Source. the news feeds in Safari
Reading. THUD –Terry Pratchett; Duden 2 - Stammworterbuch –; Das Schloss der Blauen Vogel –Heinz Konsalik; GD USA; MacWorld; Fortune (Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a reading addict. What can I say?)

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