Not that I'm at the extreme high end. I am close, working as I do in the Communications Department of HRH. Yesterday my analogy was an ant hive disturbed by a stick. Little ants scurrying around – some aimlessly, some with purpose. Lots of scurrying. Particularly since this little deal was kept dark and happened quickly. By late afternoon everything had settled down because a) they remembered they had jobs to do, and b) Joe from Willis was going to talk to them. I was not at that meeting. The hive was a tomb. I don't know what Joe told them but whatever it was I'm sure it made them very happy.
With a bit of sadness, I noted those who were left out and those who were shoved aside so that others could stand close to the new queen. I also noted how every merger is about somebody at the top getting a raise. Or a really fine parachute with a golden handshake. While the rest of us workers go on doing our duty to keep the hive thriving.
In between all the activity I gave crash courses on mergering for workers. Having survived the SunTrust RIF and other reorganizations, I felt I had some comfort and sanity to offer. Yep. That's me. The Florence Nightingale of corporate triage. For the moment.
Well, it's back into the hive. What will I see today?
By the way, if you go to Willis take a PC. They do not support Intel-based late model iMacs with Flash 9 (even though that exceeds their published minimum requirements – it's what I've come to expect from lazy PC guys ... "oh, we won't bother with really making the site compatible, we'll post this technical message instead, who the heck is on a Mac anyway? Well, except for that one guy in Cupertino.").
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