Sunday, October 17, 2004

Richmond's Event of the Season
... has to be the showing of The Cremaster Cycle at the Byrd Theatre at the end of the month. I may be able to handle three of them. 1-3 can be seen in order. But 3 is three hours long. There's an intermission but I may need more than that after watching 1 and 2.

I'll also be attending "OperaTini" (not a tiny opera, but martinis with the cast of Virginia Opera) and the fall lecture at VCU (though they don't know that yet), I love opera and martinis (in moderation—say one every three months). I also love free food and wine (this is where VCU comes in).

Now Listening to:Pecularioso, Leo Kottke
Latest scheme: Make a living as an illustrator

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