Saturday, October 30, 2004

It's 82 degrees F. Some are outside in shorts. I put my shorts away last weekend. I guess I'll get a pair out for today.

Cremaster 1 and Cremaster 4
Definitely the event of the season. Some ticket holders were mysteriously guided upstairs to the balcony of the Byrd Theatre. I viewed Cremater 4 and Cremaster 1. The five parts are scheduled in such a way that you cannot view them in order. I've decided that 4 is shot backwards. If I reverse the events in my head it makes some sense although not a lot. 1 is more concise. It takes place in one location and the events are related. Although, why I don't know. What does a woman arranging grapes on the floor of a dirigible have to do with dancing women on a blue football field below her? The dancing women make formations in the shape of the graped symbols. The music in the dirigible is echoed by the music on the playing field.

You can read more descriptions and see a trailer at Two parts out of five is all I can handle. The last three parts are tomorrow morning. What was more surreal than the movies was the crowd outside after the show. The next event, this afternoon at the Byrd, is a family cowboy-style Saturday matinee with sing-a-long. I left the theater accompanied by mostly art students in their regalia. We emerged into bright sunlight glinting off of a hoard of middle aged cowboys and cowgals. I think the cowboys were more stunned than we were. We were beyond stunning.

The surrealism didn't wear off until I finished grocery shopping. Everything from moving my parked car down the street, to standing in the natural foods section contemplating tofu, to picking out pomegranates had an ethereal atmosphere. I expected Mr. Barney to jump out with a camera.

I enjoy having my awareness heightened by art, whatever the artist's intention may be. Even if the artist had no intention at all. I'm so immersed in normalcy and social compulsion that it takes a pretty big kick to get me where I need to be to see the world as the artist that I am. This is a situation I hope to remedy some day. Soon. Eventually.

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