Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Just for Today
Just for today is a nice sentiment. "I can do something for 24 hours that it would gall me to do for a lifetime." as it says in the book Just for Today. Yesterday I blogged and this morning I'm blogging. While I would love to do this every morning, I know that I can't promise I will. I'm supposed to be doing Morning Pages (see The Artist's Way). But this is much easier and more fun. I'm actually writing not just throwing words out even though throwing words out is a lot of fun, too.

I've failed to report on my last free activity. There were two: Mike Hughes from The Martin Agency at the Creative Change Center, March 3; First Friday, March 4. I may never again get an invitation to a free thing if I don't report. Well, that may be a misconception, as I think the reason I got that great invitation to the tastily catered book reading is because I used to be a Friend of Library. I didn't know that's what I was. I thought I just had a community library card. I received an invitation last month to a Black History Month presentation but I didn't go. I think I had something else to do.

Uh ... I have notes from the Mike event.
Chunky soup. That's tne kind of mix he'd like to see. wbat l would do with 5 mil. Commission a huge controversial work of art and put it on the canal walk. Or get M. Night Shyamalan to make a movie here. Guy there tonight looked like him. I was scared. Everyone was nervovs. But it was good. Getting tbe closed-minded prejudice segments to talk to each other. what as creatives can we put into the community. Us with vision. Doing the best we can and not settling for just good enough. Being world class but in Richmond. Find categories and be good at them and build on that.

What Mike asked was "What would you do to improve Richmond if someone gave you $5 million?" There were a few ideas but none as good as mine. :-) Since then I've come up with a couple more, like convince a really rich and famous person to live here or hire some architect to build a really controversial but beautiful building, maybe M. Pei. (He's not dead is he? People keep dying on me and I don't find out until much later.) Mike's goal is to build a distinctive Richmond atmosphere that would be as compelling as San Francisco or Seattle. As my Freshman design teacher said, "Trying to be like everyone else is uninspired."

Other free event, First Friday, was fun as usual. The people attending this event get younger and younger every year. All ages were there including an ex-client of mine, my postmaster, and the woman from across the street and down one. Wow. Never expected to see them there. The art was not as new as it used to be. 1708 Gallery had the best art. Upcast was intriguing but not surprising. There was a small gallery that had some truly fine work. I don't remember the name of the gallery but all the walls were painted black and the works were crammed in next to each other. There was something "dirty" about the work that appealed to me. Some parts looked like hair glued on but I looked closely; it wasn't.

So that's my limit for today. Must go to paying job. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? As another book says, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

Current Fads
Music - Audio. U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Music - Video. U2, "All Because of You"
Movie. Shrek (2001)
Activity. dating a Mensa dude
Gadget. Palm Zire 31
News Source. BBC News - Americas
Books. After the Funeral - Agatha Christie; Thinking Like Your Editor - Susan Rabiner & Alfred Fortunato; The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot; Sadhana - Rabindranath Tagore; A Wish Can Change Your Life - Gahl Sasson and Steve Weinstein
(Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a book addict. What can I say?)

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