Monday, March 07, 2005

You'd think that The Beatles website would have all things Beatle, wouldn't you? Well, it has 5 albums, a couple of ads and links to three of the Beatles. I guess that John being dead he doesn't need a website, although George has one. Anyway, this all came about because I started singing "Here Comes the Sun" while I was making breakfast and thought how much better it would be to hear The Beatles (Note: never title your anything "The". No one really uses it and it makes sentence construction awkward.) singing it. So I pulled out the old album (Abbey Road – 33 rpm LP) and played it with my *record player*. Then I thought I would record it using my iMic but the free software wouldn't install from the CD so I downloaded it. Meanwhile, it's time to get ready for work. So I thought, "The Heck! I'll download that one song from iTunes." Nope. Apple music still not talking to Apple computer. I hope it's not an apple thing.

So back to The Beatles. Why is the site not an Everything Beatles site? I should be able to buy the music, the movies and any videos as well as get history and old TV news stories. Five albums? PuhLeeze!

Message to Griffin: bundle Final Vinyl with SoundSoap. Everyone with old LPs needs it!

Current Fads
Music (Audio). U2 How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
Movie. And Now For Something Completely Different (The Monty Python Show) (1969-70)
Activity. dating a Mensa dude
Gadget. iMic
News Source. BBC News - Americas
Books. After the Funeral - Agatha Christie; Thinking Like Your Editor - Susan Rabiner & Alfred Fortunato; The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot; Sadhana - Rabindranath Tagore; A Wish Can Change Your Life - Gahl Sasson and Steve Weinstein
(Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a book addict. What can I say?)

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