Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Virginia Makes Christianity Official State Religion

Virginia is only one of the latest states to officially adopt a religion, abandoning the separation of church and state. The United States of America is now a Christian nation of constricting zealots. Why do we let priests and other Christian leaders tell us how to vote? What happened to religious freedom? Didn't we come to this country to be able to practice our religion as we saw fit? Apparently not. Apparently we came here to be able to practice our version of Christianity and to force others to practice as we do. The USA is now no better than any other country with a national religion, like Saudi Arabia or Thailand. Beliefs run the world. The USA is no longer one nation under God. It is a prison contructed of the populist notion of what a Christian God should be. There will be no peace (national or world) until we have religious freedom and tolerance.

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