Wednesday, January 05, 2005

It's all passions these days. What are you passionate about? Do what you're passionate about. Last month I took a free online class at the B&N University led by the author of the book "Do What You Love." I had done what I loved for three years and then found out it helps a lot if you have a good business model. Actually, it helps a lot if you have any business model. While I was good at financial management and using my talent, I didn't know how the industry worked or how that applied to my business. So I got a job. The same one I have now. I don't love it but it keeps me off the street. It's also confused the heck out of me, which is why I took the class. I found out I still love the same things. I'm just not doing most of them.

I'm not passionate about anything. I'm too intellectual. There are things I feel strongly about and I do have opinions. There are things I do a lot of and I have some persistent habits. But passion? I don't know. Does sex count? I get pretty vocal behind the wheel of a car. I dip into passion occasionally—like after my divorce I had a lot to say about marriage. I still have a lot to say about relationships, families, society and social engineering. I also have a lot to say about the legal system, valuing talent, intelligence and ... hmm, there must be something else. But I don't say them often.

Perhaps the lack of listeners, or earnest listeners, has shut me up. Maybe I never found the right audience? Maybe I just don't stay with anything long enough to get so deeply passionate that it sticks. I found myself crying listening to a "Save the Children" representative talk to Katie Couric on the Today show yesterday. All those orphan tsunami victims doing what kids do all the time: accepting their fate. Quite sad. But it passes. Eventually it will pass.

All things come to pass I guess. That's what the I Ching is all about. It used to be about freedom—free love, free universities, free people. How times have changed.

btw - Who is this guy? He looks familiar to me. I feel like I have had long conversations with him or that maybe we went to high school together or had a college class together. Who knows?

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