Monday, March 21, 2005

I am a freak magnet. Where do they come from? Why am I so easy to fool? Yep. I'm a fool – a fool for love. Well, my side of the street is clean, anyway. I am keeping some really nice memories. I had a good time for which I am feeling strangely grateful. I am not feeling vengeful. My last little spurt of vengefullness produced a very nasty blog. I deleted it, but kept a copy at home – as a reminder, you know. I am a little sorry for the innocent. They get caught in the middle.

So on to really important stuff: it's spring at last. The sun comes up in the morning and stays up until after I get home from work and walk the dog. Sooooooooo wonderful. It's the little things, you know.

Work is so-so again. That part is good. I'm no longer so happy that everything normal looks bad. Nice to be among the ordinary again. I'm looking for a job. Yep. Me. Looking. I updated my resume on and already have received two offers to be a "financial advisor." What a great opportunity for a person like myself with no financial training whatsoever nor any desire to advise others on their finances. Could it be that a lot of my junk mail comes from Monster? Let's not be nasty now.

I got about four hours of sleep last night so I suppose I should try and do better tonight. Although, once I get past that initial tiredness ...

Current Fads
Music. Seal Seal [1991]
Movie. All of Me (1984)
Activity. recovering from yet another betrayal
Gadget. Palm Zire 31
News Source. BBC News - Americas
Books. Daughter of Regals & Other Tales - Stephen R. Donaldson; Thinking Like Your Editor - Susan Rabiner & Alfred Fortunato; The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot; A Wish Can Change Your Life - Gahl Sasson and Steve Weinstein ... and some book on face-to-face communications at work
(Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a book addict. What can I say?)

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