Sunday, June 03, 2007

Back in the saddle again ...

 out where everyone's your friend, and the vegetables are so green you can ... oh, sorry. I am after proving yet again that I am totally daft. NaNoWriMo wasn't enough. I am now an instant screenwriter. As I write this, I am up to 1366 words. I was out earlier getting inspiration. Do you know that most of the alternative art galleries in Richmond are closed on Sundays? I ended up at Art Works. Not bad but I would have prefered something a tad more professional. Always gets me going.

Once again I am finding that having a clear goal really focuses my mind. All sorts of things are easier to do, like clean the windows and blog. I also get real eager to socialize. At least I'm writing in between. It is so nice to feel virtuous doing research watching movies and reading scripts. heh heh

That list of mature male movie stars I would like to date and the review of my new water heater will just have to wait.


Drama Queen said...

Oh hurry up with the movie stars. Unless they are *very* mature. . .

Elaine Greywalker said...

Don't know how mature is "very" mature but they aren't in their dotage, I can tell you that! Alright! Next up! Soon! Working on it! Right after I take the dog for a walk ... promise.