Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (movie)

grumble grumble mumble mutter sigh
The movie is never like the book. The third movie was the best so far. They've got the characters right anyway. Luna is lovely (perfect actually) and Umbridge is awful (nearly perfect). I began to wonder how many kinds of pink one woman can wear. I was planning on waiting for the weekend, but I'm dying to dive into the site and see all there is to see. There is one little thing that really irked me but I can't really see how they could have translated it to the movie. I'll wait on that until I can be reasonably sure most everyone has seen it.

The Last Book
There should be a complete and total black out in all media until at least the evening of the 22nd. It is truly silly the shenanigans some people get up to just so they can spoil a surprise.


Drama Queen said...

I’m going to see tomorrow. I’m slightly nervous about it breaking the spell (plus they just look too old now don't they?)

Elaine Greywalker said...

They didn't look too old to me. Harry is still really short, too. They are a bit more muscular than average, though. Let me know what you think.