Monday, May 23, 2011

365: Sky 62 - Strange Mood

Strange Mood (July 2010)

This may be a repeat ... or not. Anyway, it's for yesterday. I realized around 8:00 pm that I hadn't posted a sky and just blew it off. Since it says on page 3 that there are no rules, I'm going to go with that. This means I still have to post for today, though.
Current Fads
Listening. Ray Bradbury Radio Dramas Collection (NBC and Street and Smith of Astounding Science Fiction) and Just Breathe - Pearl Jam; birds
Watching. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 (2010)
Activity. getting my financials in order; praying; hoping
Gadget. iPhone 3GS
News Source. the news feeds in Safari
Reading. The Dragon Quartet, Books 3 & 4 (Fire and Air) - Marjorie B. Kellogg; The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft (2nd Edition) - Rosemary Ellen Guiley; The Passionate Accurate Story - Carol Bly
Writing. On a White Palfrey, (screenplay) a fantasy meta-story about an time-bending angel's quest interrupted by a man in love. Right Livelihood Small Group curriculum (two modules) for First UU Church of Richmond VA.

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