Thursday, September 21, 2006

war and peace

If you go there now, you can still read the text of VM's speech on September 9th. You can also read about Mohawk hairdos and what they have to do with war and peace. If you have a NY Times Select account you can read the full text of other really good stories about peace.

I can't remember the last time I knew about an actor as eloquent as Mr. Mortensen. I read the text of his commencement message to his alma mater, St. Lawrence University, also. It's as good as his introduction to Dr. Bob Johnson. A copy of the commencement address is posted on the wall of my cubicle with a copy of Steve Jobs' commencement address from May of 2005 at Stanford University. It's that good. VM is so real, so genuine, so smart. (Well, at least he writes/speaks that way.) I wish I lived in the 23rd district so I could vote for Dr. Johnson. I am so tired of the commercial-industrial machine pushing their interests on me and making it almost impossible for candidates like Dr. Johnson to run for office. But at least they still run, even though they may not always win.

Locally, I'm behind the ex-governor of Virginia and now mayor of the City of Richmond, Doug Wilder. Here's another guy with great ideas and the ability to make them happen – as much as anyone can do that. He starts with open communication, which I just love. Anyone can sign up for his newsletter which really is news and gets to voters before the the newspapers can report on it. I just love that, too.

I tried to stop writing. I really did. It was a relief not to feel like I needed to post here. But I do. This is more like a journal than a real web log. But I don't care. It's here. You're here. That's all that matters.

Current Fads
Listening. my iMix/Playlist Sunday Morning; ringing in my ears; U2 festival
Watching. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Activity. working!
Gadget. Palm Zire 71
News Source. the news feeds in Safari; Perceval Press (link above)
Reading. The Summer Before the Dark - Doris Lessing; Reel Fulfillment - Maria Grace; The Wisdom of No Escape - Pema Chodron; Paste ,GD USA; MacWorld; Fortune (Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a reading addict. What can I say?)

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