"can't sell your soul for piece of mind ... my slate is clear. rest your head on me my dear. took a world of troubles. took a world of care to get back here." Song of the Day: Square One In a word: morose. Feeling strongly the pull of the great wide open. Yearning to sell up everything, invest in an iMac (or possibly a Macbook Pro) and an Airstream Bambi or Basecamp and hit the road. Can you stop me?
I've done loads of travelling and living in foreign parts. When asked where I'm from I say I've lived in Richmond longer than anywhere else. I used to long to one day live somewhere for a very long time indeed. Well, I've done that now. It has been pleasant to be rooted but now all of my paths are full of memories. And I'm bored.
Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it!
So maybe I'll get that Bambi after all (and a car that can tow it). Health and happiness to you both (and lovely cups of tea).
You can make iTunes links at a special page made just for that by Apple. Here's the link: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/itmsLinkMaker (you'll have to copy and paste, can't make links here). ... as long as what you link to is sold in the iTunes store.
Many thanks for sharing the iTunes link, I'll try it!
Isn't there some unexplored path around you, one you wouldn't have paid attention to so far?
I've been through Chicago's airport and have visited parts of California, back in 1998. That's all I've seen in the US of A. Have you ever been to Europe, Elaine? (I wouldn't recommend Euro Disneyland though, the one in Orange County was waaaaay better)
I'm glad the link worked for you! I've lived in London (Rochester, actually), Frankfurt (Hoechst), Jeddah, and Roumieh (just above Beirut). I spent six weeks in Cyprus (mostly in Limasoll). I've visited Holland, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Switzerland and had a drive through France on the way to Spain. The only tourist traps I can remember are the Frankfurt Zoo, Keukenhof (highly recommend it) and bits of London. I've also done a canal trip through the midlands and into Wales. Oops! Left one out! So, I feel I've done the traveling thing. The only trips I'm still interested in are sun trips in winter and rain trips in summer.
Just popped by to say happy new year!
oh. right. i should do the same. have a dramatic year, my dear!
God no, I hope for lots of calmness and lots of nights in with cups of teas. . .hell I'd even settle for a whole year in the same country!
P.S you are so cool with you itune links. I havn't got a clue with stuff like that. . .
The bambi or basecamp sounds like a brilliant idea, who wouldn't want to hit the road sometimes...
Wherever you may find yourself, have a Happy New Year, Elaine.
Very best regards from Brussels, wishing you health and lots of happiness.
I've done loads of travelling and living in foreign parts. When asked where I'm from I say I've lived in Richmond longer than anywhere else. I used to long to one day live somewhere for a very long time indeed. Well, I've done that now. It has been pleasant to be rooted but now all of my paths are full of memories. And I'm bored.
Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it!
So maybe I'll get that Bambi after all (and a car that can tow it). Health and happiness to you both (and lovely cups of tea).
You can make iTunes links at a special page made just for that by Apple. Here's the link: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/itmsLinkMaker (you'll have to copy and paste, can't make links here). ... as long as what you link to is sold in the iTunes store.
Many thanks for sharing the iTunes link, I'll try it!
Isn't there some unexplored path around you, one you wouldn't have paid attention to so far?
I've been through Chicago's airport and have visited parts of California, back in 1998. That's all I've seen in the US of A. Have you ever been to Europe, Elaine?
(I wouldn't recommend Euro Disneyland though, the one in Orange County was waaaaay better)
I'm glad the link worked for you! I've lived in London (Rochester, actually), Frankfurt (Hoechst), Jeddah, and Roumieh (just above Beirut). I spent six weeks in Cyprus (mostly in Limasoll). I've visited Holland, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Switzerland and had a drive through France on the way to Spain. The only tourist traps I can remember are the Frankfurt Zoo, Keukenhof (highly recommend it) and bits of London. I've also done a canal trip through the midlands and into Wales. Oops! Left one out! So, I feel I've done the traveling thing. The only trips I'm still interested in are sun trips in winter and rain trips in summer.
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