Tuesday, April 21, 2009

AG Here I Come!

As some of you know, I'm a member of Mensa. The local group, Richmond Area Mensa, (of which I am President) has agreed to send me to the Annual Gathering (AG), July 1-5, all expenses paid. It might be more impressive if the AG wasn't in Pittsburgh. However, it is impressive enough. Thank you, guys!

In return, I have promised to blog, report, take pictures, attend business meetings and otherwise make myself useful. So far I've managed to register for the convention, sign up for a three day meal plan and discover that the discount room blocks in both hotels are sold out. I joined a Yahoo! group for AG attendees and have found a roommate (almost) in the convention hotel. It means I'm doing the driving, but I was going to do that anyway. There are a few details to be resolved before I really have a room. I hope it works out.

I'll be posting updates here. I thought about making a new blog dedicated to this trip. Another blog! I need that like I need another hole in my head. So, no. I'll be posting here. I doubt anyone will mind.


Unknown said...

Look forward to seeing you there. You'll have a really great time.

Elaine Greywalker said...

Great ... who ever you are.