I went to church with Mom that night. We were mystified by the huge crowd at church on a Saturday night and had to park the car on the lawn outside the school building. As we crossed Government Ave. a volunteer quickly met us and advised us to get out of the street as soon as possible. The nearby intersection with Granby St. was blocked with police cars. A young man had taken over a convenience store and was holding a hostage.
The high attendance mystery was solved easily by noting the number of children dressed up for First Communion. The church was packed. After the service we were told to exit only through the side doors. No one was allowed to cross Government Ave. to get their cars from the parking lot. The situation with the hostage had heated up and police were concern that the bad guy might shoot along Government Ave. One couple snuck across the street and drove off anyway.
Mom asked for the office building to be opened and we went inside and sat down. Lucky for everyone else that it was a pleasant night and not raining. A single phone call brought friends to meet us down the block (in the opposite direction from the hostage situation) and take us to dinner. By the time dinner was over, so was the situation. We were driven back to the church where we got into Mom's car and drove home.
Later it was discovered that there was no gun and no hostage and the desperate man was 17 years old. He just wanted to get some gifts at the neighboring jewelry store. Read the news story.
Current Fads
Listening. Rock Music in my iTunes library; ringing in ears
Watching. Dersu Uzala (1975)
Activity. not finishing the screenplay
Gadget. iPod Shuffle 2nd Gen
News Source. Google News
Reading. Smoke in the Wind - Peter Tremayne; A Wish Can Save Your Life - Gahl Sasson and Steve Weinstein; Romantic Religion - R. J. Reilly
Writing. morning pages
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