Tuesday, January 04, 2011

0104 - Art and Words

I'm attempting to make something every day for 365 days. What I'll be making is a composition of words and art from my "dailies" archive. Many years ago I read The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. Ever since then I write or make art or both for my morning pages. I started with three little pages per day (small pages were easier to fill up), then graduated to big pages and then moved to the computer where I type or create for 10-20 minutes every morning. Sometimes I do this religiously every day, and sometimes (like now) I skip it for weeks at a time. In the hope that I will return to this energizing practice, I am starting a Make Something 365 project. Perhaps other good stuff (besides blog posts) will come from it.

Again, the rules: pull one text fragment and one art work or photo created on the day (i.e. today January 4) from my archive of "dailies" and post them here.

dreamed that Randy died (010410)
Sunrise, January 4, 2009

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