Monday, June 30, 2003

This blog used to be "Carnelli" then I changed it to "Habe Kein Zeit" because it timed out. In English, this means "I have no time." ... for this. Well, here I am again.

Guess what! Someone asked me to go somewhere with them. It was very interesting and different. I saw a guy who makes 'zines and was fascinated--both by him and by the others there. The event took place at Chop Suey Books (if that doesn't work go to and search for Chop Suey Books). The author who created the 'zines Walkie Talkie, Nate Powell (Soft Skull Press) was there discussing his work. Sure was a nice change from my usual homogenized activities. The theme discussed was the ethical issues and side effects of publishing personal experiences that involve others—especially in embarassing or sensitive situations. I think we pretty much decided it was okay.

And in other news, I spent a heavenly weekend at the beach. Ostensibly to take care of my mother but she didn't need much caretaking. She just sailed through a cataract operation and is thrilled to discover that she can now read without glasses. Before I drove down there I checked the traffic and the events. Unfortunately, the traffic people don't post on weekends. Now, who came up with that idea? I've decided to rent a helicopter next time. I won't tell you where I went. I don't want you going there.

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