Friday, June 23, 2006

Personal Service

The tee shirt and CD that I ordered from Perceval Press arrived. When I saw the parcel I laughed. A handwritten label! The mailer is a free Priority Mail envelope and inside that another free Priority Mail envelope wrapped around the tee shirt. The CD was encased in a generic white cardboard mailer. Hah! Just like me, someone went down to the post office clutching a tee shirt, CD and label, got materials, packaged the items, stood in line and mailed the package. Hilarious! But it's sweet, too. Nice to know that someone did it personally. It's funny that a rich guy like VM is so cheap. Well, it might not be him. It might be the other people he works with. I can sympathize. I had a business once. You sure do need to keep costs down.

All that going to the post office thing probably didn't happen though. I see the Post Office picks up. Probably bring you stacks of free mailing containers, too. Oh, well. The label is handwritten. That's something, I guess. More than I get from Amazon.

I was going to put up a picture of me wearing the tee shirt (I got "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home") but no one needs to see me in a tee shirt. Instead, here's a photo of the personalize label.

I love the CD, Intelligence Failure. It's surreal. Try popping it into your car and driving around on a nice sunny day when everyone's out and about, all relaxed and happy. It's like being in a Mathew Barney movie but it's a lot easier to understand.

Totally unrelated is I won't put a link because they are a little stupid right now. There were mentioned on "How To Get the Guy" (which I was only watching because I was at my brother's and he doesn't have a DVD player at his rivah house). So, they put up a pop up, which you can't close, apologizing for the delay. Sounds good to me! Hmm. We're getting a lot of traffic. Let's improve it by serving everyone twice instead of once!! Idiots! Why didn't they just put a notice on the home page? Sheesh.

Current Fads
Listening. Buckethead and Viggo Intelligence Failure; faint rumblings
Watching. between DVD's
Activity. trying to stay awake
Gadget. PDA
News Source. the news feeds in Safari
Reading. Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut; Writing Essays - Harold P. Simonson; On Writing Well - William Zinsser; GD USA; MacWorld; Fortune (Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a reading addict. What can I say?)

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