Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Late Byrd Report

Movie: Mission Impossible III
Ticket Line: non-existent
Second Show: same
Audience: suburban Boomer couples; one family
Capacity: 75%
Organ Recital: Summer selections including "Grand Old Flag"
Report: Knock 'em, sock 'em, rock 'em with a hint of old romance (for the chicks no doubt). Classic MI stuff very nicely done but I don't feel any different except maybe I'm more alert and I drive better. I did catch myself before going near-fetal at the half point. Then I took a couple of deep breaths, reminded myself it was a movie and enjoyed the rest of the show.
Analogy: extreme coaster ride
Will I buy the DVD? nope
Will I watch it again if it bites me? gladly

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