Saturday, January 17, 2009

Richmond Cold Snap - Are your pipes frozen?

It may be too late to prevent a frozen pipe and if your backyard is full of frozen water then stop reading and call an emergency plumber now! On the other hand, if, like me, only your hot water is down to a trickle then there's some hope. For a straight forward, step-by-step approach try e-how's list. I combined their suggestions with the more definitive American Red Cross Prepare site which warns against using open flame to thaw a pipe. I'm no sooner going to use open flame on my pipes than I am to get acrobatic in the crawl space when (like now) it's 6 degrees outside. Nah-ah. I'm waiting until it gets up to freezing and then I'm going to get more wood from the shed and build a very hot fire in the fireplace.

While I was writing this, I successfully unfroze my hot water pipe by following the simple directions culled from both sites. I have learned. I will also follow closely the directions from Prepare so I can sleep soundly in the coming week when the night temperature will only be around 20.

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