Wednesday, February 04, 2009

What ho! The Clientele and Freak Folk

Yes! I have found my musical niche: Freak Folk. Thank you iTunes Essentials. There's a woman named Joanna Newson whose singing reminds me of Regina Spektor. Actually, this all was brought about by the free tune of the week Dry Grass & Shadows sung by Alela Diane (who's on the Essentials list). From there it was a just a click to a track from Clientele who don't have a band page on iTunes (and should). However, they do have a great web site where, among other things, you can watch their videos.
Bookshop Casanova

And another thing: these freak folk people mostly have freak names. What, for example, kind of name is Alasdair? Or Alela? Actually, it all adds to the music which describes the rare atmosphere of views of a distant fantasy horizon (as in scifi-fantasy). Kind of a fly through of a strange but wonderful Bryce landscape ala The Neverending Story. I feel like I'm back in the sixties listening to Jan and Dean or Bob Lind. It's so trippy. So ... Woo Hoo! New music to explore!

(Is it just me or are there a lot of parentheticals in this post?)
Unfamiliar with The Neverending Story? Read this.
Alela Diane - To Be Still - Dry Grass & ShadowsFree Single of the Week: Alela Diane, Dry Grass & Shadows

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