Thursday, May 21, 2009

Everybody's Gone for the Weekend

... and maybe longer. The depletion of humans has been going on for days now. I first noticed it two days ago when I quickly found a spot in the sun at Ellwood Thompsons to have my lunch. Now Richmond is practically a ghost town! This is great! The weather is lovely and I get all the hot spots to myself. No worry about dog crowding down at the river. Lots of space to roam in the parks. I can eat al fresco anywhere in all the best spots of any location. Few cars on the street (although the percentage of idiots seems to have mysteriously risen – guys on cell phones, old people asleep at the wheel, those who apparently live in their cars and don't feel the need to actually drive when on a road, etc.) Aside from that one little glitch it's great. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my time alone in peace and quiet. No need to go anywhere. I have this lovely resort town all to myself in the fabulous Memorial Day Weekend weather. woo hoo! (Did I mention I'm happy to be alone here for a few days?)
Current Fads slacking
Listening. recently purchased tunes (unpublished); hedge trimmer and dogs barking (the hired help are doing a big number next door and she's not even there!)
Watching. Shrek (2001)
Activity. reading
Gadget. cell phone
News Source. Google News
Reading. The Haunted Abbot - Peter Tremayne; Real Energy - Phaedra and Isaac Bonewits; A Free Course in Making Your Own Talisman - Karl Hans Welz
Writing. not writing (except journaling and well, here)
Actually, it would be totally perfect if you were here, too.

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