Tuesday, August 23, 2005

bathroom demolition

Ms. Handyman is quite nice. She just spent some time explaining to me what's going on and showing me stuff I really don't want to see. The smell has turned out to be the ton of white mildew/mold in my bathroom. It smells even worse now. Did you know the dark inside of a moist wall is the perfect environment for raising decay? Instead of one wall, it looks like two walls are going to be rebuilt. OMG! Dollar signs are flashing before my eyes. I may have to sell my home to pay for this repair. I took some pictures. It's grotty.

Now they have just verified that, yes, they are hauling away the trash. That was the deal because the city does not haul construction debris. They take construction debris but they don't haul it. So, the Handymans have gone off to get the debris hauling truck. Mr. Handymans' motto: It's easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission. I laughed a lot when he said this.

To take my mind off of all this, I'm reading my daughter's journal and looking at pictures of the greater Rome area.

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