Tuesday, December 19, 2006

on the air down the pipes

This is why I am the alien drifter. I was forced to download Firefox so that I could get video suggestions from "What to Rent." The first movie they recommended didn't work for me although from the outset it seemed like it would. They ask weird questions which they claim is a better way to find out my mood. Mood apparently is the basis for movie choices. They also claim that people watch movies as if they were watching real people. Are we going back to Aristotle? I'm really not interested in all my entertainment being a catharsis. Sometimes I just like to have fun.

Anyway, I've discovered Firefox. It works great. It fakes Internet Exploder better than Safari and it does things that my old G4 can only dream about. Basically it takes the best of IE and Safari and combines them in a very good way. I'm wondering why Firefox can do this on my old G4 with OS 10.3 when Safari needs a new Mac and updated version of Safari. I also wonder why iTunes is keeping up with new developments that let my G4 pretend it's a new iMac. Not that I'm complaining. Okay. I guess all development can't be equal. I'm a mom. I understand you can't treat all your children equally.

Speaking of fun (and the reason for the title of this entry) you can now have more of what I'm looking for, TV on demand, through Firefox. My limited system is very good at letting the commercials through. (Commercials always work. Has anyone noticed that?) Firefox lets it all through. Some smart people are making Firefox. Thank you! I love TV on demand. There's nothing more annoying than to sit down in front of the tube and discover the tail end of a good show.

Downloading Firefox was fast, easy and nearly effortless. I had to drag and drop it into my Applications folder. After launching, it found all my Safari personlizations and brought them all over correctly. There were a few preferences I had to tweak (like to open with a blank window instead of my home page) and that was it. Firefox does a great job with Verizon. So take that and stuff it in your electrons, Verizon! You do support Mac!

Current Fads
Listening. Bob Rivers and Twisted Radio, I Am Santa Claus; the hum of electronics
Watching. Galaxy Quest (1999)
Activity. editing my latest novel
Gadget. none
News Source. the news feeds in Firefox
Reading. D is for Deadbeat - Sue Grafton; TheWisdom of No Escape - Pema Chodron; Fortune; assorted Mensa group newsletters.


Drama Queen said...

Please don't take offence. I have been reading the content of your site and you are just too cool to be over 50 and if I was your daughter I'd defo be taking your advice. . .

Elaine Greywalker said...

I'm not offended. Being cool is definitely good. Thanks!

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