Tuesday, December 19, 2006

where are you?

i walk along the cool city streets admiring cheap holiday lights
i smile and trip along
a beer has left hops in my mouth and laid my mind out to dry in the fresh air
where are you?

the sky is dark and full of stars
the evening is a chiaroscuro of stone benches under half-lit trees
skimpy white plastic bags at rest on the curb
floodlit blowup santas
where are you?

the man next door keeps his motorcycle in his living room
i see it dimly lit underneath an ornately carved wooden mirror
the woman next door never turns her lights on
she sits in the glow of the television sleeping or contemplating retirement
her mums nothing but brown carcasses
i hear the music of the train horns
and the whooshing of motorized vehicles
like a video just for me

where are you?

1 comment:

MKWM said...

Lovely prose. I smile and trip along with you, in your neighbourhood.

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