Monday, June 18, 2007

I don't need a swimming pool.

All I have to do is go outside. The weather is now the way it usually is at the end of July and beginning of August, hot soup. It's like stepping into a steam bath out there. It's really quiet, too. The birds are hiberating, no one is outside. The only other time I see cars parked like this is on Sunday night. Two maniacs are out jogging. Jogging! They'll be sorry.

I'm trying not to think about what August will be like if its like this already. Yikes!


phoenix said...

It's almost the longest day,but as of yet no signs of summer and we're in the middle of the worst rainfall for 30years.A whole month's worth fell in one night! fabulous british weather (at least it's warm i suppose)

Elaine Greywalker said...

Trade ya'! Send some rain. I'll send some sun.