Thursday, June 14, 2007

Stalled in 1969

Back from the shadows again... which is where all good entertainers go when they aren't entertaining. Not that I'm an entertainer or anything. Have suddenly realized (or finally admitted) that doing yardwork is not he same as script writing and I must give up one if I am to make it to 20,000 words by midnight on June 30. Somehow 50,000 was easier to achieve because there was more of it and I had to work like a bee to get it done. 20,000 doesn't seem like enough. But that's all bull. I'm just stalled in a flashback and I've lost my way. :::sigh::: I'm going nowhere so I have lots of time to make the word count higher and to remember that new succinct title I came up with.
Current Fads
Listening. Memory Almost Full Paul McCartney; No Title Ten Years After; nightingale and mourning doves; my jazz collection
Watching. starlings, wrens, cardinals, finches; Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Activity. desultory script writing
Gadgets. various Macs
News Source. ain't got no time for news
Reading. The Murder at The Murder at the Mimosa Inn - joan Hess; Self-Editing for Fiction Writers - Renni Browne & Dave King;; MacWorld; Style Weekly; Fortune; the blogs in my multiverse (Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a reading addict. What can I say?)

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