Monday, August 20, 2007

my own backyard

It's nice to be back home, again. I was at the beach for the weekend stubbornly driving in ridiculous traffic to get there. Generally I avoid the beach this time of the year but I had to see the monks making their sand mandala again. This year I stayed for the entire dismantling event.

Going away is good. It feels so great to come back home. I don't know. It might be a little like stopping banging my head against a wall. Or not. Anyway, it keeps me aware of how fortunate I am to have a home, a backyard and place to call my own (however tenuously). So many haven't had the good luck I've had.

I'm writing. It's been hard. Probably because I've been trying to work to a plan. Instead of working on one thing at a time I think I need to write back and forth on more than one project. I can't cut out the other stuff just to focus on the screenplay or whatever. I don't work like that.

Unrelated News
My brother has started his first blog! I've added the link to "my multiverse."


MKWM said...

RE your brother: for a "novice to this technology", he's doing pretty well! It must be fun for both of you to communicate through your blogs, isn't it?

Elaine Greywalker said...

I wouldn't call my brother a novice to this techology but he is a new blogger. He co-founded a technology company before the tech bubble (which, unlike other such companies actually has a product) and has done quite well. I'm sure he'll catch up quickly. He has posted quite a few photos which I think is fabulous, considering he's a fan of Windoze.

But, yes, it is great to able to communicate with him and to keep up with the parts of his busy life that he publishes on his blog.

Nice see you around, btw.