Sunday, August 26, 2007

song of the day

I have discovered Beck. Reminds me of my childhood. Well, of high school anyway. Lovely to be young again.

Beck - Timebomb - SingleTimebomb

Current Fads
Listening. Timebomb, Beck and Walls and Bridges, John Lennon; locusts
Watching. Miss Potter (2006)
Activity. home improvement
Gadget. Palm Zire 31
News Source. the default news feeds in Safari
Reading. School Days - Robert B. Parker; Tarot Games - Cait Johnson & Maura D. Shaw; Richmond Times Dispatch - online; GD USA; Fortune (Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a reading addict. What can I say?)

1 comment:

Drama Queen said...

re Beck. Better late than never I guess ;-)