Sunday, August 17, 2008

Find Your Spot!

Here's a certainly interesting but lengthy quiz on what town in the great US of A would be ideal for you. Although they ask a lot of questions and do give you an opportunity to state a regional preference, they leave out that all important question, "Do you want to stay close to your family or the remnants thereof?" Anyway, besides that, they do a pretty good job (as good as any automated process can) in finding spots that fit the general criteria of "yours."

My number one town, Charleston WV, made me cringe. Definitely wrong! Turns out that Charleston is not a backwater and may even be on the move. However, the 26" of snow is off-putting, especially as I answered a "strongly agree" to the question "I'd like to live where the temperature is moderate all year long." Does 26" of snow and 25 degrees seem moderate to you? Move Charleston about 100 miles south and we might have something. On the other hand I don't see my family enough as it is and moving farther away can only make that worse.

However, they did come up with two spots I do like: Norfolk VA (#10) and Albuquerque NM (#9) and one spot I hate: Baltimore (#5!). I'm still going over the list and considering all the spots (well, except for Charleston and Baltimore). However, they listed Norfolk as having 7" of snow and that's just plain wrong. If they get 3/4" snow in Norfolk the town shuts down. And that hasn't happened in a long time.

So, watch out but take the quiz anyway. It's fun to think that if my life were no object I could live in any of these perfect spots. Oh, and they ask for your real information, so you might get unasked for solicitations afterward even though they say they don't send you that stuff unless you ask for it.

NOTE: The town I've lived in for 16 years is not on the list. Have I got it wrong all these years?

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