Monday, June 15, 2009

Safari with Cover Flow - for the PC, too!

Wow! I had an automatic software update notice, so I installed the update. I had no idea what it was. Usually the little status line says what it's installing but not this time. Later, as I was doing the morning wake up, I checked the install log and there it was, new Safari update. So, okay, launch Safari and ... Wow! Really great Top Sites feature showing page snaps (my top sites - that was definitely an eye opener). And then I found cover flow.

The insanely great thing is I needed no preparation and did not have to read a manual to figure out how it all worked. Simply launch and go. Under "self evident" see "Apple Software."

The only thing I was curious about was the cute star in the upper corner of the page snaps. That I had to look up. Turns out it means that the site has been updated. Here are some screen shots for you. Gosh. Never mind. Go get it!
my top sites - so cool!easy-peasy edit feature showing the update star - click and go there!
Current Fads
Listening. America Simon and Garfunkel; rain
Watching. Truly, Madly, Deeply (1991)
Activity. waking up
Gadget. stainless steel teaspoon
News Source. the news feeds in Safari
Reading. From Doon With Death - Rendell; Real Energy - Bonewits; A Wish Can Change Your Life - Sasson and Weinstein
Writing. "Bronwen's First Age" (screenplay)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't put that Option on my PC can you help me?