Friday, August 12, 2005


I've just finished the fourth Harry Potter book (... and the Goblet of Fire). It is really satisfying to read a book when I don't know the ending or haven't seen the movie. I can't wait to see Alastor Moody! This HP book is very, very dark. It's a bit like a Shakespearean tragedy. I can't see a film company showing child murder in a family show. I don't know how they will do it. I love the beetle thing. I can see that quite clearly in the movie. There's a lot of back story. Wonder how that will be handled? It would take a really l-o-n-g flash back to handle it. ... Well, better them than me.

The premise is a bit weak: a 14-year-old participating in a 17-and-above contest when evey magical thing in the world is done to stop him. Harry is getting just a little bit too special. But, it's just a story. Right? I sure hope the parts about Fred and George get into the movie. As Harry says, "I could do with a few laughs. We could all do with a few laughs."
Current Fads
Music.Enya Only Time: the Collection
Movie. The Fifth Element (1997)
Activity. vacationing
Gadget. CD burner
News Source. BBC News - Americas
Books. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J. K. Rowling; Fortune; Coastal LIving; A Primer of Visual Literacy - Donis A. Dondist; Kitchens & Bathrooms: Planning & Remodeling - Sunset Books; Complete Do-it-yourself Manual - Reader's Diget (Yes, I really am reading them all right now—I'm a reading addict. What can I say?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you are enjoying my fine library!

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