Saturday, August 06, 2005

Live - Right Now!

If you click on over now you can watch live video of the set up (or take down - hard to tell which - might be the set up since they just did a sound check - but it was supposed to start at 5 am ET) of today's Zappanale which started yesterday in Bad Doberman, Germany. While you do that you can listen to a recording of previous sessions of the actual concert (I guess). Anyway. Fabchannel comes pretty close to on-demand TV. Lots of live pre-recorded streaming concerts. Very nice interface and works really well. They forget your streaming speed each time but it's not a major glitch. There's a nice listing of what's coming up live and you can opt in to reminders. You can also see the genre, etc. before you commmit to a stream. Pretty cool. If you are curious but prefer to eschew the wild scene here's a way to drop in unnoticed.

Oh, and now they are doing an interview with an unidentified guy (someone with the Grand Wazoo). Woo hoo!

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