I've been enjoying the album, DVD and "making of" since yesterday. It's great! There is more unique stuff on the album site (link above). However, the digital insert is a bit of a rip off as it needs to be folded and I am not about to sweat over printing double-sided, cutting and folding. They should have just put the animation into the digital disk instead of the PDF and then put in one page that is a facsimile of the folded cover so you could print and cut that out if you burn an "official" disk. Also missing from the site are a screensaver and a desktop. The screensaver is too much for me but I did make a desktop. Here's a copy for you! It's widescreen so you traditionals will have to adjust. Just click on the image to download.

Naturally I was going to do a real review but instead I'll list my favorite songs: Dance Tonight (should have named it The Mandolin Song), Ever Preset Past, You Tell Me, Vintage Clothes, That Was Me, House of Wax. I don't like Gratitude. It's corny and thin. And I don't like See Your Sunshine. It doesn't sound true somehow.
Don't get me wrong, this album is a real tour de force of McCartney's talent. He can write a song about anything. This album is well worth owning.
Added 6/8: Having written all that, I must add that the two tracks I like the best are from the 2 CD version: In Private and 222. Both are free flowing and fresh. In Private is a collection of syncopated loops synthesized into a sort of strolling flow. There's something Palestrina about it as if Palestrina would make something almost like this if he were composing today. 222 is a sort of continuation of In Private except that now there's a destination for the strolling and it's more like jazz than motets. Reminds me of Soft Machine. In between (trackwise) is Why So Blue which some fans think makes the three tracks a medley. It makes the three tracks a modern rock/pop symphony, if that's what it is. But Why So Blue doesn't seem to fit. It's almost like a pause or interruption. But then I haven't studied classical composition so that may be right on. Anyway, get the 2 CD version. It's worth it.
I think the hidden title is nice. Better than that Heather Mills bird anyway. . .
I didn't know she was so hated. She must have seemed like a good idea at the time ...
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