Yipppeee!! Wrote over 50,000 words (50,205 to be precise) in 30 days
again! And the novel isn't finished. I think I need another 10,000 words to wrap it up. Gosh. This is so much fun. Will someone pay me to write, please?
Now I'm going to take a break and do something sane like watch a movie.
I love this life!!
Congratulations! I read the excerp you had posted on the writing site - it looks good! I look forward to reading your first completed novel, and seeing your screen-play made into a movie. Hey, it could happen :)
Thanks. I've discovered I need to write something each day. Today I got back ino this year's unfinished novel and did more typing. I was worried that with the pressure off I might not get good results but an unusal twist presented itself immediately and I was off and writing! I plan to keep on writing and, now with this opportunity to change my life thanks to the RIF, to keep making stories until they find a good, paying home. Last year I learned to pay attention to my imagination. This year I learned how to keep in the flow. It's great.
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